In the Land of Immediate and Shallow

It started when newscasters, instead of reporting the news, conversed it. Everything had to be reported live from the scene, even if it was a scene of nothing–the site of events that had occurred earlier, or the view of a street outside a window, etc. And in the studio, the heads had to speak to each other, to speculate, say things like: “Gee, Susan, how do you think her head felt when she went through the windshield?”…“Well, John, it appears that it did in fact hurt quite a lot.”

Now, you even hear this drivel on All Things Considered.

Nothing can be examined in depth.  News has to fit the ever-decreasing attention span. Reality TV is more important.

And reality TV is giving us our next political stars too. Because no one cares and no one accepts blame. People who don’t have jobs should just, you know, get one.