Wheatland Extends Deadline

In order to publish Polyphony 7, Wheatland Press needs 225 paid pre-orders. The March 1 deadline has been extended to March 15. If there aren’t enough pre-orders, they can’t publish the anthology. This looks like a great collection of stories, and I would like a chance to read them.

Details here.


Not a big fan of. But I miss Three Brother’s Bakery. It’s near where my parents lived in Houston. It’s what bakery means to me. I even dated one of the brother’s daughters when I was in college (one date, I think—if I was a smarter boychick I would have married into that family).

When my parents moved to Ohio a few years ago I now had very little to take me back to Houston besides the bakery (and it is a long way to go for an onion board or coconut danish, however excellent they may be). It never occurred to me to look for their web page. A bakery isn’t something you can enter virtually.

Well, someone I knew from elementary school through high school emailed me, and I friended her on Facebook. And discovered she was a fan (Facebook fan) of Three Brothers (yes, they have a Facebook fan page!). And now I’m a fan too.

And they have a website, and you can order from it.

Locus List

Very happy to see The Painting and the City on Locus magazine’s 2009 Recommended Reading List. Nothing of mine has made the list since In Springdale Town in 2003.

I would have liked to see some other books on there, Marly Youman’s Val/Orson for novella, and Sebastíen Doubinsky’s The Babylonian Trilogy under one of the novel categories…is it fantasy…science fiction…? The list is put together by Locus staff and reviewers “with inputs from outside reviewers, other professionals, other lists, etc.” A work has to receive at least two nominations to make the list. Reviewers generally only have time to read the books that they are reviewing, so if Locus gives a book one review, and the staff and other reviewers don’t read a particular book (or some read it and don’t find it worth recommending), then it takes the outside input to provide the other recommendations. Paul Witcover recommended The Babylonian Trilogy on his blog (and presumably in the magazine as well), but there obviously wasn’t a second vote, which is a shame because it’s a book that deserves more attention.


Announcing that French publisher Zanzibar Editions has picked up two books, The Painting and the City and Psychological Methods To Sell Should Be Destroyed. Writer and editor Anne-Sylvie  Homassel (stories in English in Strange Tales and Strange Tales II from Tartarus Press) has begun translation. P&C should be out this summer…